Thursday, November 18, 2004

More Fun in Indiana

Done? All right, good.

Now, given our cottage's proximity to Interstate 69, I can say I'm keenly aware of the quasi-controversy surrounding the numeric designation of that particular road. Signs in the area frequently go missing overnight -- and don't think that I didn't consider nabbing one myself when I was back at St. Norbert's.

BUT, upon first reading that article, my first reaction was, simply: Congressman Hostettler is a complete idiot.

I began, in fact, to wonder why on earth I had been so worked up about politics over the past several months. In the end, wasn't this is what politics was truly all about? (No wonder our president is an idiot -- he was weaned on shit like this!)

But then I looked a little more closely at the site that hosted that article and decided to do some research. (You gotta' love Google News.) Here is what I discovered -- it's a total hoax! This guy is living out of his basement, trying to be The Onion. Hilarious. If you follow the link at the bottom of that article above, you'll see an article that lists some of his other hoaxes that have been picked up nationally.


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