Monday, March 27, 2006

Novelty Smovelty

Oskar's favorite time of day, lately, seems to be playing music and dancing around the living room. IPOD in hand I have downloaded/uploaded all these fun Novelty 80s songs from the Muppets to the Time Warp. I realize some of these will need to be edited as he becomes old enough to learn the words- although I think I was in my 30s before I figured out the words to "Grease Lightening" included "the chicks will cream", Steely Dan's "Hey 19" was about cocaine and roller derby girls, and the Stone's "Brown Sugar" wasn't about C & H pure cane. Didn't warp me too much, okay, that's debateable. I put some into the STOEFFEL's family file- where our Christmas music went. I thought I would show you my (downloads) if you show me ours. I put some of my favorites- and I am happy to snail mail a mix copy to the Ipod-less amoung us- just email me your address.


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